Peer Academic Coaching Peer Academic Coaching

Peer Academic Coaching for 宗教研究

Peer Academic Coaches are available to support you in your religious studies classes.

Where:  宗教研究 Lounge in Ladd

周日 周二
乡村教师 凸轮
安娜 乡村教师

Upcoming Academic Sessions

如何成为repac! - 周二, April 9th 6:30 PM

In this session, we will go over the process of applying to the PAC program and what it means to be a 宗教研究 PAC.

Title: Finals Study Session and Essay Review - Date: April 23, 2024 
We want to host a session to support 宗教研究 students to study for their finals and work on their essays. It can be hard to know what to study for on religious studies tests, so we want to create a space for students to get some extra support. A lot of religious studies classes also end in essays, so this would also be a session to get support on writing and revising essays.




主要: 宗教研究        乡村教师

火博体育我: I declared as a 宗教研究 主要 after originally intending to be an Education 主要. I fell in love with the study of religion after taking a class in my second year and I soon began taking more and more courses in the department. 在春天 of 2023, I did a semester at Trinity College Dublin and became fascinated with Celtic spirituality and early Christianity in Ireland.

为什么PAC?: PAC has been an amazing resource for me throughout my time at Skidmore and has helped me immensely in understanding some key concepts in my classes. PAC环境 is a very open and accepting place to study, learn, and get some extra help from the 教练. I am proud to now call myself PAC captain for 宗教研究 and give back to the PAC community. 

喜欢的类: My favorite class I’ve taken here in general has been American Gods. 我们讲过 a diverse selection of American religions and I learned about new religious movements 我从来没听说过. It was an amazing class that I would recommend to anyone in any discipline at Skidmore.

学术建议: The best advice I have is simple: stay organized. Keeping track of your assignments and readings is essential to your academic success here. And go to office hours!

凸轮eron Pittl, 24岁

专业: 宗教研究 and Gender Studies       凸轮

火博体育我: 我来自纽约皇后区. I love reading, writing, board games, and hanging out with friends. I became a double 主要 because I am interested in the intersections between religious studies and gender studies. I feel like I could not study one without the other!

为什么PAC?: PAC has helped me tremendously with writing in different subjects and finding new techniques for efficiently doing homework and longer written assignments. 我希望我 can do the same for other students as a PAC.

Favorite Class and Why?: My favorite RE class has been American Gods. It’s the perfect introduction course into religion; it helped me look at the subject in a better lens to understand and study all types of religion outside of any that one might practice themselves.

学术建议: 提前计划! Map out your assignments and exams for each class and outline to-do lists so when the assignments come, you are prepared for any upcoming work you have. 这 is especially helpful if you are busy with extracurriculars during the week.
